DC Internationals MESALI

Washington DC International School and Institute -- Foreign Language Classes, Morocco Cultural Trips, and Performances

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About the Standard Classes

* NOTE: Some MESALI classes are closed due to maximum student enrollment and are not listed on the schedule.  Subsequently, MESALI is offering a limited number of additional courses for the same language, to accomodate increasing demand. To ensure a seat, we recommend enrolling soon.

What are the Standard Classes?

To meet the growing and popular demand for DC Internationals MESALI Language Institute foreign language courses throughout the Greater Washington DC region, DC Internationals MESALI has responded by offering an increasing number of Standard language courses. These Standard foreign language  courses are intended for an array of students who have a less urgent need to learn a foreign language quickly, but still want to advance their language skills. 

Standard language courses provide an excellent opportunity for students and professionals who are largely available in the evening. The Standard courses provide a safe, practical and fun learning environment for those interested in exploring foreign languages that are extremely interesting and urgently important to national security and improving East-West relations. Standard classes aim to explode the notion that it is daunting or even insurmountable to learn a Middle Eastern and or South Asian language; please visit DC Internationals Student Testimonials' page for students' feedback and impressions.

These Standard classes create a venue to explore one's interest in foreign languages generally and in the language of your choice specifically. They are an opportunity to understand better one's personal aptitute for a Middle Eastern and or South Asian language, and how to enhance better one's aptitude for enhancing language acquisition, foreign language production and communication, as well as how the language and the culture affect one another.

DC Internationals MESALI standard classes provide the combined personal and professional space to explore how to develop skills for a career that requires or could be advanced by knowing a MESALI foreign language. MESALI teaching methods are guirred towards preparing students to work in professional fields, such as international development, international relations, international security, international diplomacy, international non-profit work, international education, international business, and beyond. Each Standard course is a ten week intensive, non-credit course designed to teach a MESALI language through immersion, practical application, and real life scenarios.  The MESALI teaching method integrates systematic learning, Mnemonic devices, and the Socratic method. Active student participation and a willingness to make mistakes is encouraged and an essential part of learning at MESALI.